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Sadyr Japarov – все о персоне

Sadyr Japarov’s protection of criminal billionaire Azim Roy: What is hidden behind the "investment" of businessman Azim Roy?
Azim Roy disappeared from the public eye after moving to the United States in the 1990s, and for almost two decades, there was barely any information about him. However, a recent photo showing him seated on a couch with Kyrgyzstan’s President Sadyr Japarov and his relative, Akylbek Tumonbayev, has surfaced, drawing considerable public attention due to Roy’s infamous reputation in the criminal world.
Покровительство Садыра Жапарова криминальному миллиардеру: что скрывается за "инвестированием" бизнесмена Азима Роя
Азим Рой исчез из поля зрения после переезда в США в 90-х и почти 20 лет о нём не было новостей, пока не появилась его фотография с президентом Кыргызстана Садыром Жапаровым и его сватом Акылбеком Тумонбаевым.
Dirty deals with the government and money laundering: how does criminal financier Azim Roy remain free?
Azim Roy became a figure of public interest in the fall of 2023 when the Kyrgyz State Security Committee issued an international warrant, but the case was suddenly closed not long after.